Saturday, January 3, 2015

new blog

Soo I realize I haven't written a post in about two years. I feel like another person than the one who started this blog ... in a good way :) I started a new one to start fresh and blog about my "20 something" experiences. The blog is :
I love writing and blogging and I will continue to do so:)

Friday, January 4, 2013

Monday, October 29, 2012

Back to real life

Hello! I had the most wonderful weekend ever!!!
Me, my boyfriend, and my little brother went downtown to see a magic show. I thought it'd be super cool to go to since Jacey loves magic. He's REALLY good at it, it's like I have my own David Blaine! :)
I've never been to a magic show so I'm not really sure what I was expecting. I guess I thought it'd be more like what I've seen on t.v. All serious and slightly dark, with the magician performing these mind-blowing tricks that leave you in that movie The Prestige. But it was totally different. They were really funny and upbeat. It was and unforgettable.
After that we went to go stuff ourselves Red Robin burgers, that place has the best strawberry lemonade EVER. 
I was on cloud 9 all day long, but I always am when we're together haha

Thennn I hung out with some good friends Sunday night after church, we watched youtube videos and drank hot chocolate. Listened to Taylor Swift(:

But now it's Monday :( and my magical weekend is over. I have a 3 page essay due wednesday about a boring book that I hated reading. I had two weeks to work on it, but nooooo I left it to work on frantically two days before --_--
Also, you know that spanish test I had? Yeah I failed it :( Teacher letting me take it again though...she's so nice. Well, better get to work on this school stuff. Back to real life. Adios amigos

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

waking up early

I hate waking up so early. It makes my eyes hurt, and usually my stomach is screaming for food.
It's a weird feeling, half sleeping, half awake. Your mind bordering on reality and daydreams.
This morning when I woke up to hit the snooze button, I thought that I was living in Paris?? I think I was dreaming about it. I can hardly remember.
Anyways, guess it's time to get up and face the day. I have co-op. Chemistry, american lit., and spanish II.
Honestly I'm just looking forward to lunch, my mom got me takis at the store. If you don't know what takis are then you HAVE to try them. They're delicious.

5 more days till new RED album comes out. IAMSOEXCITED!!!! I'm a longtime Taylor Swift fan.

So, co-op now, incredible pizza later! It's my boyfriend's sister's bday. She's so cute. 

I better go and get ready. Wish me luck...spanish test today and I hardly studied...

Friday, October 5, 2012

I'm back!

wow, I haven't written in so long. SO MUCH has happened within the time I took a hiatus from this blog. All wonderful, beautiful, life changing memories.
I had the best summer ever. I even was able to go on a mission trip with my youth group...TO POLAND!! It was an amazing and incredibly rewarding experience. God is good.
I have also made many lovely memories with my Jacey, I'm one lucky gal (: he's the best a girl can ask for. I wish I could tell you all about them ... but some things you just can't put into words because words will do them no justice. Again, God is good.
Also, we are LOVING our new house. All settled in and quite content. And we got a dog a few months ago. His name's Toby, he's a bishon. He's REALLY naughty. Always making a mess and in one way or another causing a ruckus. He's super cute though...mostly when he's sleeping.
The bunny doesn't like him.
It was bittersweet when summer ended, and now it's almost halfway through the school year. I can hardly believe it.
I'm a senior this year, and SO looking forward to graduating. It's so close I can almost taste it.
I can't wait for college:) I know exactly what I want to do and I'm going to pursue it full blast.

Life changes so much in a short period of time, but then again it's still quite the same. I don't get that.
I hardly feel like the same person I was last year, it seems like a fragment of what I am now. And I'll probably think the same thing to myself next year, and the year after that.
But I've learned that if you put your trust in God, everything that changes is for the better.
I'm excited to see what'll change next, what new things will come into my life ... I'm ready for my life to start.
But for now, I have a psychology project due, and a spanish test to study for, and math.
I'm so glad I was born in the modern age where we have calculators, because I'm pretty sure I'll be using those instead of my brain throughout my life.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Back Home

Back from the trip! Good to be home and sleep in my own bed, even though it is killing my back because the frame is crooked. But anyways. I had a really nice time visiting my family, I took back a lot more memories than I expected. All good, beautiful memories. 
This time I understood my grandma speaking spanish to me and didn't have to really ask anyone to translate:) This made me SO glad that I have been taking spanish 1 this past year. Even though I can't really speak it much yet, I can understand it fairly well. Woo finally talkin to my grandma on my OWN:) yeah! 
When I got back I went to see an AWESOME play at my sweetheart's church that he was in. It was really great! He is a natural born actor:) 
Also I have been making up for having been a whole week away from my dad... ahh I missed him. I even massaged his foot lol
How have my readers been? Hope you all have been doing awesome. Love ya'll.